Had a great weekend with my family in Vic celebrating my b-day with my little sis and the whole famdamily at Elk Lake...love summer birthdays! Thanks for a great day!
Now the bad news.
I blew up my legs last week.
Yup. I am out of commission at the moment with the onset of my compartment syndrome symptoms rearing their ugly head. First time in 2 years! And it is all my fault...I didn't stick to my recovery plan.
I was feeling WAY too good after doing to big races in 2 weeks (MOMAR and completing 24hrs of the FMIJ) that I should have been extra careful with my intensity and stick to my recovery plan to get me through to Kusam this weekend. Instead I ran with the fasties in my Adventure Running class and we ended up doing a fantastic 1.5hour hilly run at a great pace.
My plan read: 30minute recovery run zone 1. My workout read: 1.5hour mountain run at hard effort. Bad bad bad.
And so, my legs blew up the next day and there is nothing left to do but rest until they heal and give me the green light. Could be in time for Kusam or could be weeks. The key is waiting until they say go otherwise my minor symptoms turn into major symptoms and my summer of training and racing is over (not to mention the risk of paralysis and tissue death- uggh).
The moral of the story is this:: stick to your plan and make sure you get the recovery time your body needs.
So I am not running this week, trying to stay off my feet (yeah right) and begging and pleading to get a massage or acupuncture appointment at the last minute. I will decide on Thursday if I am ready for Kusam but have a feeling of the outcome already...
There is a plan B, however... 12 hours of Cumberland bike race is in town this weekend:)
Stay tuned...
Here is my post race report with my own pics...more to come when I get them...
Thursday/Friday The road trip was ... ummm... eventful ...
Andys truck ran out of gas near Golden...ooops
Both trucks almost went to Banf insteady of Invermere...
6pm Friday: Received race map and was thrilled to see we would be racing in many of the same areas as the 3 day Sea2Summit race we did in 2006. After plotting the co-ordinates I soon realized that it was pretty much the exact same course give or take a few kms. Happy to have the knowledge but a bit disappointed that it would be so similar.
7pm: Pre race briefing...short with no real hints or useful information. Back to room to plot co-ordinates and plan our race.
7-11:45pm: Time FLEW by as Marc and I plotting co-ordinates, double checked co-ordinates, highlighted planned route, support crew approximated distances and times for each leg, waterproofed maps, created race plan, ate and drank, then finally packed our packs for the first leg- the trek.
12am midnight: 3-2-1-GO! It was POURING rain and there was a crazy lightening and thunder storm going off at Panorama mountain- race central. With headlamps, mapbag, and compass we trekked off into the darknesss with 120 other stupid humans.
We got off course quickly by getting caught up in the crazyness of the start and following the line of glow worm lights up a logging road. After an hour and a half of trying to relocate to our original planned route we got our S%#T together and made fast tracks to CP1 following the Toby creek via game and hiking trails that worked in our favor and followed our bearing perfectly. Cross slope for a few hours and then jogging down a logging road into CP1 at 4:30am... I have NEVER been so happy to see a CP. After getting mixed up at the start we really needed the confirmation that we were back on track. And we weren't last! We thought we would be dead last after our rough start but there were still 11 teams behind us...out there in the woods still...
After CP1 we made the decision to go for the Advanced CP2 which meant a short but very steep (read Kusam) climb up Castle Mountain. We guessed it would take us 2hours or less to go up and back down. This was where Marcs ITBand reared its ugly head. This is the same spot that our dear teammate John, blew up with full body cramps in our 2006 race (and ended up in emerg with severe dehydration). Sick coincidence. Evil mountain. We all made it to the top but knew at that time that we were no longer in the race and Marc was in severe pain trying to negotiate the downhill. Our pace slowed to a snails and our focus was on keeping Marcs pain manageable and continuing to move forward to get him out, to first aid and off his feet. It took another 7 hours until we reached Transition1 and got him to our support crew camp and a first aid attendant.
- We knew Marc was out and should not/would not be able to continue on his knee. He got ice and IBP and spoke with first aid.
- We got the suprising news that we would be allowed to continue on unranked if we wanted to. The other team pulled out choosing not to continue and our team was mixed on the decision.
- I wanted to keep going as long as we were allowed. We paid alot of $ and spent all winter preparing for this so I wanted to see the course- didn't care about being ranked or unranked.
- We all agreed to do the paddle as a team so we could check out the river and finish on a fun note together.
- It was a beautiful day, Marc slapped some ice on his knee and wedged himself into the inflatable kayak.
- They lets us paddle a short course and we got out of the nastiest 28kms of paddling on Windermere lake cause we were already so far behind.
- So off we went- and Andy and I planned to do the following leg on our bikes after the paddle. Our support crew would meet us at the end of the paddle with our biking gear and Shawn and Marc would pull out at that time.
We had some seriously fun water fights and the boys tried to make me scream by ramming into us and trying to capsize my boat. Why do boys do that? I didn't feel tired but caught myself sleeping in the kayak at 1 point and I was in hysterics laughing until I was crying the entire paddle (my team isn't THAT funny).
Andy and I left TA2 on our bikes around 6pm and I forgot my camera in my lifejacket so there are no more photos after this.
Hey- Just so you know, Team "Lost in Translation" is actually "Lost in Transition". It's a funner AR name that way!
~Kyla of Team Suburban Rush
Hey Kyla! Thanks for setting me straight! That is a mucher better name:) Congrats on your race!! Hope to meet you at the next adventure...what is your next race?
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