Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Ok! My car is packed and I am ready to ROCK!
I will be teaching sunrise Bootcamp at 6am and then driving straight out of town after that. Thank you for all of the well-wishes! I will take all your luck and positive thoughts with me...lord knows I will need them!

The Full Moon In June crew will be blogging updates during the race and you can follow along if you need some entertainment this weekend at:

The PACKING stage of this race has almost killed me! I am spent from the mental lists, repacking, packing , repacking , rechecking , repacking ....phew!

Over the past week I have gone from this...

To this...


That sure is a lot of stuff for 36hours...bin for paddling, bin for biking and climbing, bin for trekking and mandatory gear, bike, cooler, and normal person trip stuff too...woah!

Hasta Luego!