Sunday, November 23, 2008

Great Sunday Ride

Today was another great day. I only managed to accomplish 3 things:
1. Amazing Sunday Ride in Cumberland
2. Nap
3. Afternoon visit with friends

That's right...I didn't work...I didn't clean up after the Leader Party last night...I didn't do chores or get anything ticked off of my 'house project' list. A great day!

I was a weeee bit tired this morning after celebrating until after midnight with my wonderful leaders at the annual ELM staff partay. This year we had a fun games night at my home with a charity auction to raise $ for our adopted Christmas Hamper family. Everyone brought things from their home that they were happy to donate (read: regift ... dump run stuff ... etc) and cash to bid in the auction. 2 hours and plenty of good hard laughs later we raised over $240 for our family!!! A huge thank you to all of my wonderful leaders and their partners for coming out and supporting the cause at this years celebration. We had a great night:)

I put together a fun slideshow with music to celebrate ELM's 7 year anniversary and we got to relive some wonderful fitness adventures. I will post the video on Youtube asap and let you know when you can view it. Check back later and it should be up tonight or tomorrow.

Today's ride was great. I was late and the gang had already taken off up the road in Cumberland so I had my work cut out for me to try and catch them. I guessed that they were going all the way to the top and managed to catch them while they were taking a breather at the summit in the sunshine. What a day. What a view. What a great place we get to call home! Here is what we rode today for those of you who know the trails and want to try the route:
Up the road towards the summit...down the new Bucket of Blood (it has been rebuilt and has a slalom course with lots of table tops and little kickers:)...down Bear Buns (they connect)...across Sykes bridge...down Teapot...back up Steamdonkey...back up and over the bridge...down Broadway to the Perseverance bridge on the main logging road...down Spankers...home via Tied Knot (super fun with lots of snakes and ladders). 2 hours of fun!

I am going to be posting the January schedule this week so stay tuned for details on this Winters Fitness Adventures!

Have a wonderful week!

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