The week after Perseverance is just about as busy as the week before - well not quite but close! I have enjoyed hearing race tales from those who Persevered last weekend as there are plenty of mini-adventures that seem to occur during both the 3k and the 10k course.
The results and links to photos are up on the Perseverance website so go check it out!
Monday was a rebellious 'I am playing hookie' run with lovely leaders Lynn and Kathy at Seal Bay Park...
Tuesday was all out trail speed intervals on my solo run...yick.
Wednesday was a ride with Pascale and Greg in Cumby (and Jack the french dog of course)...forgot my bike shoes and had a very interesting experience sliding off my pedal clip things with my sneakers...not recommended for skill development...and if you want to have children in the future...ouch...
Thursday was a good hard Bootcamp stair workout! No pics but MAN did they giver at the Filberg stairs!!
Friday was a rest day...Craniosacral therapy with Heather Hodge at Integral Balance...and a gourmet dinner for two at Locals...can't begin to tell you how good that was...
Saturday was my own tragic attempt at racing the Perseverance Trail run course...MAN THAT IS A BRUTAL COURSE!! Who would design something like that anyways?? You racers are SUPER hard core and I love you for doing it!!
Sunday was the BEST ride ever. I nearly had a heart attack combined with an athsma attack trying to climb Branch 21 above the lake without stopping. Seriously I almost wooofed my cookies. Can't WAIT to do that again!
Monday ran my trail speed intervals...and went down to check out the Torch Relay!!
STRENGTH was a daily ritual as well, of course. As I am playing with my TRX System in the basement every day and having fun with some new moves...
ELM Athlete and CFB SARTech, Rob Dumonceau, was one of the proud Comox Valley torch bearers!! SO sorry I couldn't see the action in person Rob but this is a GREAT photo! You look like the spirit really caught a wide eyed kid with Olympic fever! CONGRATS!

Down at torch relay central they had some super cute 'canada' winter gear on sale...good thing they only take VISA or I would have blown the budget!!
Tuesday TODAY! I am going for a bike ride in Cumby after I head down to Mountain City to pick up my old faithful Giant Reign!! Not sure I will remember how to ride the old tank but I am planning to do so over the winter and save my little Anthem filly for race season. Yippppee for riding on a lovely BLUE SKY NOVEMBER DAY!
On SUNDAY we rode up B21 from the lake for the first time in a very long time...the busy beavers are stripping as many trees from the forest as they can before winter...working 24 hours a day. This is what it looked like on Sunday...sniffle sniffle...we do need toilet paper...
Have a great week!
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