Dreamer / Explorer / Stoker / Story Teller / Coach / / Ambassador for: @LoleWomen :: @HornbyOrganic @MotionHeat @SalmingNorthAmerica
Friday, February 27, 2009
Friday Q&A and movie time....
Here are some short clips that I took this week at classes...enjoy!
Motivation Q&A below...
These 3 videos show some fun partner exercises that you can do with a medicine ball...Fun!
This next video is from Wednesday morning around 7:30am...when the shortlived Valley blizzard hit us during our workout! These chicks are tough...
Q: Do you have any ideas for those of us with low motivation? Sometimes it is just too hard to get out there! Thanks, C.
A: DO I!? A very large part of my day-to-day job as a coach and trainer is to motivate others to reach their goals. Motivation to complete one last repetition, one more hill repeat, or one more day of regular training.
Motivation is a funny thing. When we have it we are unstoppable! When we don't we can't even remember what it felt like. Motivation can be sourced internally or externally.
When we want something bad enough we can talk ourselves through any task, regardless of how massive it may seem to others. Or it can come from an outside source such as that super duper awesome track on your ipod OR the primal response of competition that jacks up your heart rate and shoots adreneline into your veins.
Motivation is extremely individual. Your top 5 motivators surely differ from those of your closest friend.
Motivation is dynamic. What motivates us is constantly changing as we grow and change as individuals. While it may have been your highschool track coach that motivated you 15 years ago, the thought of performing for him now just wouldn't do it for you.
Uncovering your motivators is the first step towards realizing your dreams and goals. You can not do it on sheer will power alone. Forget this crazy idea and stop beating yourself up about your 'lack of will power'! Determine what motivates you and GO WITH IT. Don't judge it. Don't deny it. Just go with it and you will feel the flow of this natural alignment.
If you are motivated by accountability than sign up for a group, a buddy system or a personal trainer. So many of us feel that we 'should be able to do it ourselves'. Where this feeling comes from is an entirely different topic that we could spiral into ... but we will leave that for another time. Let's get to the nitty gritty. Here is what I want you to do when you experience times of low motivation...
1Low motivation...
2Figure out what motivates you...
3Go with it...
4You will succeed...
Repeat steps for the rest of your life....
Motivation Check List
Here are 7 sure ways to stay motivated and stick to your fitness plan for life!
1 Reach For Your Goals. Goal setting will help you stay focused and motivated during times of doubt and lack of interest. In order to be effective, goals must be SMART-Specific, Measurable, Attainable (possible), Realistic (probable), and Time-bound. Keep a copy of your goals where you will see them everyday.
2. Fool Yourself Into It. Choose an activity that you actually enjoy, and it won’t feel like work. Walking, for example is one of the easiest, most safe, and least expensive activities for improving overall fitness that can be done nearly anywhere at anytime.
3 Buddy Up. Exercise with a friend and you will be more likely to stick to your plan. Not to mention it can be much more fun and the time will fly by!
4 Sign The Dotted Line. Make a personal contract with yourself. Your word may be all it takes to keep you one the right track. Make it specific, sign and date it, and stick to it.
5 Plan To Fail. Sounds grim but at least 50% of people drop out of their new programs. You need to be prepared for a relapse when you are tempted to quit. Think of all the excuses you may use down the road to get out of your workout, and then write down a solution for each one.
6 Recruit A Drill Sergeant. Well maybe not, but a Personal Trainer will do. Hire a professional to get you started and keep you focused. A Personal Trainer will design a program that is safe, effective and specific to your needs. They can also provide new enthusiasm and help motivate you if you are losing your focus.
7 Collect The Facts. Do you know what your current fitness level is? Take part in a fitness assessment with a Kinesiologist or a Personal Trainer to find out where you are in relation to your fitness goals and what you need to do to reach them. Fitness assessments are not as scary as you may think and can be a great motivator when you see your results over time.
Good luck and hang in there, you’re on the right track!
Friday: A Week in Pictures... Q&A
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
ELM Race Jersey DEAL!

Email ELM to order today... elmhealth@shaw.ca
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Muddy Buddy's
Muddy buddies!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Friday Q&A and ... I Can FLY!
I HAVE AN IDEA FOR US MOUNTAIN BIKERS. I was in my bike shop today- Mountain City Cycle http://mountaincitycycles.com/and John and Jason were fixing up my brakes for me so I am no longer torturing myself by riding with my front brake under 50% resistance and cursing on the climbs while I continue to mash my granny gear looking for JUST ONE MORE GEAR. Sorry about that but it has been a brutal 2 weeks and I should know better than try to change my own brake pads. So back to my great idea....
I asked the boys to put on a mini-workshop to teach us (me) how to fix our (my) bike on the trail! It is all fine and dandy to get your bike tuned up and tip top in the shop, but what do you do when the %$#@ hits the fan in the bush? So, they are going to put on a 'Macgiver your bike' night as soon as I can round up a crew to join me in the next couple of months. Perhaps we will learn some new uses for duct tape...email if interested: elmhealth@shaw.ca
Q: How much protein should I be eating? And what else besides tofu can I eat for vegetarian protein? Thanks! Sarah (Ok I made this one up...I admit it...but it is a very interesting topic)
A: Such a great question Sarah! The current recommended daily caloric intake for healthy adults is 55-65% carbohydrates, 15-20% protein, 20-30% fat (with no more than 10% of this coming from saturated fat), 64-80 oz of water and specific amounts of vitamins and minerals. Athletes and individuals with specific health needs, however, may require different amounts of these nutrients.
Macronutrient comprised of chains of “building blocks”, known as amino acids.
AVERAGE PERSON-NON ATHLETE: 12-20% of daily food value or 0.8grams of protein, per kilogram of body weight, per day.
ENDURANCE ATHLETES: 1.2-1.6 g/kg/day
POWER ATHLETES: 1.6-1.7g/kg/day
Proteins are essential for the development and repair of body tissues including tendons, ligaments, muscles, and skin. Protein is also imprortant for the synthesis of hormones, enzymes and antibodies that keep our body systems running smoothly. As well, proteins are digested more slowly than carbs and will leave you feeling full longer. Aim for 2-3 palm sized servings of lean protein per day.
Some examples of high protein foods are:
1 Egg 7 g
3 oz Tuna 24 g
3 oz Chicken Breast 30 g
2tbs Peanut Butter 9 g
½ C Cottage Cheese 12 g *scroll down for a BIG list of ideas for using cottage cheese*
Vegetarians need to consume foods that contain 'complimentary proteins' to ensure they are getting adequate amounts of ‘complete protein’ (all amino acids) every day. This is known as 'mutual supplementation'.
Did you know? Soy and Quinoa are the only 2 vegetable based protein sources that are 'complete proteins' with all the essential amino acids.
Examples of complimentary vegetarian proteins include:
Grains & Seeds: Bread with sesame seed spread, rice with sesame seeds
Grains & Milk: Cereal with milk, pasta with milk or cheese
Grains & Legumes: Rice and beans, legume soup with bread
If you can do dairy, than cottage cheese is a great option: high in protein, low in fat (choose 1% or 2%), great source of calcium and very versatile. Here are some ideas that our Bootcamp recruits came up with to combine with cottage cheese:
- Combine with green peas, fresh grated parmesan cheese
- Atop a fresh green salad, with chickpeas and sunflower seeds
- As a dip for cut raw veggies
- Mixed with Pineapple
- In place of half the milk in pancakes
- Baked into lasagna or any recipe calling for cheese
- Mix with applesauce
- Mix with equal parts tuna and serve in a sandwich
- Mix equal parts CC and favourite flavour of yogurt, top with fruit.
- Mix equal parts CC and salsa, serve with tortilla chips
- Lay out deli style low fat ham or turkey, spoon CC on top, top with a slice of tomato or cucumber, season with s&p, roll and eat.
- Mix over med. heat for a few mins, 1/2c CC, chopped tomatoes, chopped fresh basil, 1/2 clove of garlic crushed. Toss with hot pasta.
- CC pancakes. 2-3 eggs, 1c CC, honey or 2 teaspoons of sugar, 1c uncooked oatmeal. Place ingredients (in order) into a blender. once mixed, cook as you would pancakes. Optional ingredients, banana, cinnamon, vanilla. Eat plain or top with fruit or syrup
- Mix 1/2c CC, fresh herbs(basil, chives), s&p to taste, serve over a hot baked potato.
- Scoop potato out of baked potatoes and mix with equal parts CC, season with s&p, add chives. Fill potato skins, top with a spoonful of CC place under broiler for a few min.
- Use CC instead of meat for a vegetarian enchilada.
- With oatmeal and fruit for a breakfast bake-see the recipe below from a Bootcamp Survivor:
'The recipe'2 eggs, beaten3/4 c milk or yogurt1 c oats1 small apple, diced (or other fruit)vanillacinnamonPreheat 350º, mix together, pour into buttered pie plate, bake 30-40 minutes, let cool a bit.
Perhaps you have another favorite use for cottage cheese? Send it my way and I will add it to our list...as we aim to reach 100 ways to use cottage cheese!
Friday, February 20, 2009
A Week of Photos
It has been an amazing week for playing outside...sunshiney blue sky days every day! Here is my week in pictures...backwards starting from today cause that is how they loaded!
2hr Tomato Creek Brick with Dr. John and Pascale...
Here is the view from the top of Tomato Creek Hill...what a day!
Here I come! Up Up Up...the sunshine made it much easier:)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Quote for Wednesday:
In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Monday, February 16, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Just look at that! I tell you it is good enough to turn a carnivore into a veg head! I was getting tired of paying $12 for a box of veggie burgers so I decided to do what the hippies do and make my own. And it was a huge success. I thought it would take forever and be super complicated but it wasn't!! I divided this recipe into 3 from the ReBar bible and it made 3 huge patties...
Saute the following:
2tbs veg oil
1 onion chopped
1tsp salt
4 garlic cloves minced
2tbs thyme , 1/2 tsp chile flakes(I went with chipotle)
6 cups sliced mushrooms
Then when they are all cooked down, splash in 2tbsp balsamic vinegar (I used dark beer). Set aside then combine with:
1.5 cups cooked brown rice
1.5 cups grated carrot
1 cup toasted pecans
Pulse all of this in a food processor ... should be combined but still coarse in texture.
Mix in a bowl with 2 cups of breadcrumbs
1/2tsp pepper, 1/4 tsp tobasco, 2tbs soy sauce
Shape into patties and cook like burgers! I did mine up with old white cheddar, avocado, tomato and spinach...unreal!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Friday Q&A and Fresh Trax
1. Less body mass means less energy is required to propel your body forward, up and over.
2. Balance between body weight and adequate muscle mass is required.
3. Focus on decreasing body fat to athletic levels while maintaining muscle mass.
4. Nutritional requirements must never be compromised for weight loss or performance and health will be impaired.
10 Tips for creating a 'caloric deficit'
Get focused, be disciplined and set yourself up for success!
1 Food log: start observing and recording your intake to become aware. On-Line Logs are available for instant calculations www.fitday.com .
2 Learn to read labels and educate yourself about healthy food choices.
3 Design a weekly meal plan and stick to it. Success or failure is made at the grocery store.
4 Emphasize nutrient rich food choices and plan your meals around vibrant, colourful vegetables and fruits-5-10/day.
5 Cut Out Empty Calories: processed foods, fast foods, junk food and alcohol. This is one of the the easiest ways to create a deficit (or surplus).
6 Focus on Portion Control: Avoid overeating by eating slowly, using smaller plates, and starting with a smaller serving size. Don't eat if you are not feeling any degree of hunger.
7 Never skip breakfast or other main meals-under eating can be just as detrimental as overeating and cause your body to become 'fat-friendly'.
8 Consume low-density caloric snacks more often. These are usually high in air, water, fibre and will fill you up without filling up your fat cells.
9 Set yourself up for Success: Plan in healthy snacks to avoid overeating later (busy days, on the road etc).
10 Drink 8-10 cups of fluid per day.
CALORIES: To Estimate your DAILY calorie requirement...
Determine your resting metabolic rate (RMR) : body weight times 10 =_________
Determine how many calories you will need for today’s structured activity: use a calories per minute/per pound of body weight chart
= ____________
Determine how many calories you need for your overall daily activity level:
Sedentary add 20-40% RMR =________
Moderately active add 40-60% RMR =________
Very active add 60-80% RMR =________
Add the answers from 1,2, and 3 to determine total daily calorie requirement.=________________
Calculate your daily calorie requirement=_________
Subtract approximately 500 calories per day. No less than 1200-1400cals/day= _______
Use a combination of expending additional calories and consuming fewer.
Calculate your daily calorie requirement AND protein requirement =________
Add approximately 2 calories per pound of body weight per day =________
Weight train 3 days per week with a muscle - hypertrophy program
Good luck!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their
-Eleanor Roosevelt
What's your dream?
I have a dream...
I am arriving at Maccu Picchu after hiking the Inca Trail with a group of fantastic sweaty, smiling, tired women. We trained, we came, we made it.
I have always had this vision in the back of my mind...it was there when I was brainstorming and creating my business back in the day...it has been there all along as I have met and been inspired by 'lifestyle' athletes of all abilities...
And now, my dream is becoming a reality as we put the finishing touches on our 2010 Womens Trekking Adventure in Peru. Perhaps you will be part of the dream too! Watch for details on our March 7th information session on this trip of a lifetime.
Dream Big.