Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Clear Vision

Happy New Year!

I hope you are as excited about this year as I am:)

What does the coming year have in store for you? Well, that, my friend, is up to you:)

It is time to look ahead and create a clear vision of your future!

You know what to do...but here is a reminder:

  • Dream Big. ANYTHING really is possible with time, smart training and determination.

  • Set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Recorded, Time-Bound). Pull out a calendar and pick your events/dates. Identify them in order of importance (A/B/C).

  • Identify your limiting factors (speed, strength, endurance, skill, etc) and set medium term goals that will help you over come these and prepare you for your BIG goals.

  • Create an Action Plan of short term goals that will get you moving and help you take daily steps in the right direction. Setting weekly goals will keep you on track and help you stay focused over the long haul.

You can do it. How bad do you want to, is the real question?
The power of positive intention is undeniable. Whether it is the 'universe' or simply the effect of keeping your goals at the front of your mind, having a clear vision of your intention is a key step.

  • Make a list of your goals and post them on the fridge.

  • Create a screen saver on your computer with a list of your goals or powerful images that remind you of them.

  • Or, create a vision board and put it somewhere you will see every single day. That reminder may be all you need to keep moving forward towards your goals.

Vision Board
Creating a vision board is a very simple but very powerful experience. This is a project that we often complete during our fitness retreats and our participants really enjoy the process as much as the outcome. Here is how you do it:

You will need:
Pile of your favourite magazines.
Poster board
Scissors/glue/tape etc.

Cut out images and text that resonate with you and remind you of your goals. Arrange them on the board however you are inspired to. Put it somewhere you will see it everyday!

Here is my vision board...an inside peek into my personal dreams and goals! It is on my office door and I look at it every day...and it inspires me every time I see it!



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