Monday, February 15, 2010

I Feel It All

I Feel It All

A light run in my back 40.
Spring springing up all green and pretty along the trail.
Iron & Wine and Feist in my earbuds.
Seriously. How can you go wrong?

Go take a listen...crank it up and see if you can resist a little toe tapping...
I Feel It All by Feist on YouTube

Yesterday was the start of my 'recovery' week and I am ready for it. Heavy legs are not happy legs. Sleepy eyes are not mine. Time to regenerate. Time to find myself hiding under this little wee blanket of fog. Come out come out wherever you are...

Yesterday was Alex's day. I have never been so proud. Go CANADA go.

Excuse me... I must go back for another dose of CTV...need my Olympic fix.

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