Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me...

Happy Birthweek to Me! Yes, I am officially one year older today and the sun has decided to come out and give me the best gift ever...a sunshiney June day! Had a fantastic fun filled 80's weekend with my family and friends in Victoria...man were tunes ever good in 1988! A sunny day at Beacon Hill park complete with egg on the spoon blindfolded races, a pinata and 'sloppy joes' and 'ants on a log'.

For the first time in my life I skipped a race and decided to relax in Vic on Sunday and spend the day with my family...the most important thing in life:) Thinking of you cousin Jeff...

My family indulged me and allowed me to fit in a guilt free 2 hour run up Mt. Work-my new favorite mountain. And we worked hard for that view from the top...

I am also lucky enough to share the same birthday with my little sister Dani...Happy Birthday Dani you 80s superstar!!

More to come later...



Indigo Eve said...

Happy Birthday Sarah !! :)

Sarah said...

Thank you thank you thank you!

The Sénéchals said...

Happy Bday Sarah! Glad to see you enjoying the finer things in life...like tie dye and florescent colors! It's been so long...will I ever see you again?