Friday, June 20, 2008

Summer Solstice

Ahhh the first day of summer...really.

My apologies for the tardy blogging but I have had quite a challenging week with the loss of two family members including my sweet gram at the young age of 94. I was away spending time with family and we found some comfort in sharing stories and happy memories about our gram. I have experienced an outpouring of compassion and I would like to thank you for all your kind words of support. Yes, this is a tragic part of life. But it is just that ... a part of life. And so that is the focus of my blog life.

My gram had a seriously half full attitude and I thank her for passing it down the line:) She had seen much beauty but also much tragedy in her long life including the loss of her mother, all of her sisters, her husband in the war and the huge loss of her second child. And regardless of all her losses she would hang in there, work through it and move along living her 'half full' life. In her memoirs outlining these experiences in her life, she is quoted with one of her favorite lines: 'Like they said in the 70's...just keep on truckin'. And she is so right...and that is what we all must do...thanks gram...

So, on to LIVING this great LIFE. Kusam Klimb is tomorrow and I am just now getting my head around it. After being away physically, mentally and emotionally for the past couple of weeks I have lost interest in this race. Or rather, I have not had the energy to prepare for it. So, here I am the day before and finally starting to think about the race. I will reread my race report to get my head into it and refocus my energy.

Yesterday I had a much needed acupuncture session with Michelle of Comox Valley Acupuncture Originally set as a pre-race balancing session it ended up being focussed on my mental and emotional wellbeing. So on top of my regular points, Michelle used points to calm the heart, quiet the mind and improve the flow of energy (aka chi). I had needles everywhere-my ears, my forehead, my name it. I kinda wish I had my camera:). Anyways whatever she did it worked. I crashed into a deep semi-sleep (which I never do cause I am afraid to roll over and poke myself) and awoke feeling light, refreshed and with a new outlook. Hurray the cloud has lifted:)

Last night we had the final run of our Spring Adventure Running clinic in the Cumberland X-C trails. That was my first real run in a week and it shook me up and put some spark back into my step. There is plenty of energy in nature and it was spilling over into my tank last night. Beautiful moss draped limbs...thick forest floor nipping at your heels...winding single track paths leading onward. Green is good! Thank you to the clinic participants for such a fun clinic and a great final run/dinner at the Great Escape!

I am heading up to the north island following the Kusam for a week of camping and boating on the north east coast. Sayward, Telegraph Cove, Robson Bight, Alert Bay, and possibly even part of the north coast trail are all on our list for this adventure. Pictures and stories to come upon our return on June 30th!

SUMMER PROGRAM REGISTRATION is ongoing and some of our classes begin the week of July 2nd so don't delay if you want to see your favorite summer clinic kick off in a couple of weeks! Go online to view the upcoming programs and register by mail, by drop off at Extreme Runners or online!

EXCITING NEW SPONSOR! And I can't forget to release the details about our exciting new sponsor...West Coast Expeditions Kayaking!! I am thrilled to have Dave Pinell and the crew on board as ELM Sponsors. Check out their website for more information on kayaking packages and other services that they offer from their base camp on Spring Island on the West Coast near Kayuquot. Stay tuned for ELM trips...

See you in a couple of weeks!




The Sénéchals said...

So sorry to hear about your Grandma Sarah. I hope you did well today and enjoy your time off!

Sarah said...

Thanks for your thoughts Kim...I am back to the land of the living after a much needed rest. Would love to get caught up with you soon...interested in coming back as a Thursday night leader?